At only 26, songwriter and composer Sofia Ellar, with two self-produced records in only two years, has become a phenomenon whose success relies mainly on social media like Instagram, with almost 300.000 followers, Spotify and YouTube (with more than 3.000.000 views each song).

Her artistic project emerges from her final year dissertation to prove she can manage her own career as an independent artist and businesswoman who handles her own project.

In February 2017 her first album “Seis Peniques” saw the light, and a year later, in February 2018 she released her second album “Nota en do”. Since then, the singles “Version cobarde”, “Bañarnos en vaqueros” (number 1 of ITunes Downloads) “Ahora dime” and the ballad “Media Tinta” recorded with the Bratislava Symphony Orchestra.

After selling all tickets at Joy Eslava and La Riviera in Madrid, or Razzmatazz in Barcelona, Sofia continues immersed in her promotional tour. Last October she premiered at the Wizink Center, being sold out.

Following the successful “Bañarnos en vaqueros” tour last 2019, seen by over 100.000 people, Sofía Ellar is back on stage with the new “De puntillas” tour, to offer once again the strength and magic of her live shows.

30 May 21:30H
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